secret staircase mysteries

Advance Reader Copies of the 2nd Secret Staircase Mystery, The Raven Thief

Book mail!

Look what arrived in the mail: A box of advance reader copies of The Raven Thief, the 2nd Secret Staircase Mystery that follows Under Lock & Skeleton Key! I adored the cover of the first book, and this one is even more beautiful.

The Raven Thief comes out from Minotaur Books in March 2023. Here's a little teaser:

One murder. Four impossibilities. A fake séance hides a very real crime.

Tempest Raj returns in The Raven Thief, where sliding bookcases, trick tables, and hidden reading nooks hide something much more sinister than the Secret Staircase Construction crew ever imagined...

Much more to follow as the release date approaches!

New Book Deal for More Secret Staircase Mysteries

I'm thrilled that I can finally share this news: I've signed a book deal for books 3 & 4 in the Secret Staircase Mystery Series!

This has been in the works since shortly before the book launch of Under Lock & Skeleton Key, but I couldn't share the news with you until the contract was signed. Woo hoo!

Thank you to all of you who've bought the first book, requested it at your local library, told a friend, and/or left a review. I'm so happy that so many of you are enjoying Tempest's first adventure. I'm having so much fun writing these books, and I love working with my fabulous team at St. Martin's Minotaur Books, especially my wonderful editor Madeline Houpt.

Here's the announcement that my wonderful agent Jill Marsal sent me that ran in yesterday's Publishers Lunch:

Edgar Award finalist Gigi Pandian's books 3 and 4 in the SECRET STAIRCASE MYSTERIES, continuing the locked-room mystery series in which an illusionist builds magical architectural details into people's homes while solving impossible crimes, to Madeline Houpt at Minotaur, in a two-book deal, by Jill Marsal at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency.

Image from Publisher's Lunch