“The Locked Room Library” Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine

“The Locked Room Library” is my first short story to be published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine! I was thrilled to discover it leads the July/August issue, and also has this super-cool original illustration by artist Laurie Harden accompanying it.

Ellery Queen Cover

 “The Locked Room Library” is an impossible story that pays homage to John Dickson Carr and Ellery Queen. 

The magazine is out now, and is filled with a lot of great stories: “Fox's Wedding" by Awasaka Tsumao (a Japanese mystery translated into English for the first time), "The Body in the Bee Library" by Jon L. Breen, stories by G.M. Malliet and Joyce Carol Oates, and the always-terrific Blog Bytes column by Kristopher Zgorski.

Ellery Queen Intro

Intro from Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine

Here's a teaser for “The Locked Room Library”:

The owner of San Francisco’s Locked Room Library—a new private library established to celebrate classic mysteries—has discovered a secret about John Dickson Carr’s controversial novel The Burning Court. When a newly discovered letter Carr wrote to Frederic Dannay disappears under circumstances identical to one of the eerie impossible crimes in The Burning Court, it’s up to librarian Tamarind Ortega and stage magician Sanjay Rai (aka The Hindi Houdini) to prove the letter wasn’t stolen by a ghost who vanished through a bricked-up door.